Atlantis, Atlantean, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of



Atlantis, Tuatha De, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Tuatha De


Atlantis, Dwarf, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Dvergr Dwarfs 


Gnome, Atlantis, Atlantean, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Kabouter (Earth Gnome)


Halfling, Atlantis, Tuatha De, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Hauflin (Halfling)


Human, Atlantis, Dwarf, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of



Half Elf, Atlantis, Atlantean, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of



Elf, Atlantis, Tuatha De, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Sylvan Elf


Atlantis, Dwarf, dungeons and dragons stream, D&D5e, OPENDND

Traits and Features of

Sylvan Centaur 



Atlanteans are a people with mysterious origins. It is said that the Sylvan Watchers first witnessed their arrival on the Emerald Isle over two millennia ago, but if the Atlanteans really do hail from a star in the sky, they aren’t saying which one.

Utopian Society
Atlantean society is centered around the strict governance of law, higher education, loyalty to their emperor/ess and devotion to Pontus. Every Atlantean belongs to a formal House, big or small, that has a direct connection with the Imperial blood-line. Therefore, they form the affluent class in the social order of the empire served by other races, mostly human, filling the middle and lower classes.
An Atlantean will often own or operate a business concern, but never fill the service roles the trade requires to function except when they are learning how the business operates as an apprentice. The House an Atlantean belongs to is responsible for maintaining the household’s appropriate status in the empire even if that means supporting those members unable to contribute to their organized society. Atlanteans who have difficulty fitting into this mold most often find themselves within the ranks of the Imperial Marines or they turn to adventure, travel and exploration.
At the age of ten, all Atlantean children are placed as an apprentice within one of their Household’s trades. Each child is also tested to determine if they display any special or remarkable talent, in which case, they might find themselves in the temple or the Enclave of the Imperial Wizards. No matter where a child ends up, the apprenticeship lasts until the age of 20 when they are released from service to go out on their own.
Regardless of their chosen trade, gender, or the house they come from, all Atlanteans are considered equal under the law.

Most Atlanteans are reserved by nature. Still, they are generally friendly to other races, if not overtly approachable.
Humans, however, are considered a constant source of frustration due to their spontaneity, unstable emotions and constantly shifting motives. The Dvergr Dwarfs ribald nature often tests Atlanteans patience as well, but the dwarfs word is bond, and they are nearly as ancient a people as the Sylvan and carry a certain primeval knowledge within their thick skulls. Above all, Atlanteans respect Sylvan Elves for their ageless wisdom and consider the ‘Tree People’ their most valued allies.

Drawn to the Sea
If the Atlanteans did come from another world, it must have been a realm of water as they hold a close affinity for the oceans and seas. Their primary deity is Pontus, a half-man, half-fish god of the sea bearing a mighty trident that controls the weather and casts fearsome bolts of lightning. They are natural swimmers with the ability to hold their breath underwater for up to an hour. Most dwell in a fabulous city riddled with fountains and waterfalls with the land masses ringed by channels of water.

Lean and strong
Atlanteans have striking physical characteristics unlike any other race on Plethwih. They average around seven-feet tall with slender physics, broad shoulders and oddly narrow waists. Their skin has a mild blue coloration, and they display the odd characteristic of an elongated skull that accentuates their sharp features, slightly pointed ears and large almond-shaped eyes. Hair color ranges from blond to jet and almost never red. Females generally have a slightly smaller stature than the males and tend to wear their hair long.

Life Span
On average, Atlanteans live one-hundred and fifty years, the oldest as much as two-hundred years, but rarely beyond. Atlanteans are considered mature when they reach the age of 20.

Atlantean Names
Regardless of social status, every Atlantean belongs to a House. The name of their House is reflected in their identity in the same way a surname would be for a human. In fact, it is a common mistake for the name of a House to be confused as the last name of an Atlantean, since the only other name they possess is an often complicated first name that they shorten for other races to speak easily. Example of Atlantean name: Qellel of House Mekali, goes by Qel.
Male Names: Abiastuvil (Abias), Brenlarican (Bren), Daerkiasin (Daerk), Grethwinder (Greth), Praebian, Prosifarlin (Prosi), Saletiavinda (Saletia), Savintoric (Savin), Tuguetmortico (Tuguet), Vorciphagus (Vorci).
Female Names: Adelintrsillia (Adelin), Deslamenta (Desla), Estanciara (Estancia), Grenisthase (Grenis), Neftrialin (Neftria), Phwesincia (Phwe), Rasawiefra (Rasa), Tolemniun (Tolem), Wintiaposgios (Wintia), Zintumarika (Zintu).
House Names: Berinac, Draethertic, Ebril, Gwithre, Horick, Jalcot, Krecti, Orion, Rebrikthal, Thraxor, Toraci, Xafin. 

Tuatha De

Of all the demi-human races that inhabit the continents of Plethwih, there is none more mysterious in origin and culture than the ‘The Blood’. These enigmatic peoples were once the masters of land, sea and air, holding sway over the entirety of the world. It is said that they were the first intelligent race to inhabit Plethwih – untold centuries before the ancient Sylvan and Dvergr cultures rose prominence. The Blood were destined to nearly destroy themselves in an event known as ‘The Breaking’, yet their legacy survives through a race of lesser beings that would become known as the Tuatha De.

Arcane Origins
Once servants of greater powers, The Tuatha De are humans that have ancestry of ‘The Blood’ running through their veins. The magic imbued within their flesh gives them the unusual aura that marks every Tuatha De man, woman, and child. The aura is very dim, and can present in any color at birth, but often changes many times as one matures. The reason for this is unknown. What is known, is that all Tuatha De have a natural arcane ability, even if they choose not to pursue the study of magic as their life’s endeavor.

Hunger for Knowledge
Like their ancestors, most Tuatha De are motivated by the accumulation of knowledge. For some, knowledge brings power. For others, enlightenment, understanding, wealth, or something more personal. Many chose a path through the study of magic and the mysteries of the arcane; however, there are those who shun their arcane heritage and find other ways to fulfill their esoteric requirements. As a society, the Tuatha De do does not acknowledge a deity or any form of religion, although there are a rare few that follow the calling of Pontus, Niamh or one of the many human deities around the world.

Hereditary Shame
All Tuatha De, regardless of their social status or profession, harbor an inherent guilt for the sins of their ancient ancestors, ‘The Blood’, releasing evil into the world through ‘The Breaking’. Because of this shame, most Tuatha De are very reluctant to benefit from the development, leadership, or influence over other societies, even in an advisory capacity. Those that can repress the shame and use their power to their advantage in such a way, are looked upon with contempt by other Tuatha De.

Exotic Features
Physically, the Tuatha De appear to be fair skinned humans of average height, blonde or red hair and light-colored eyes. They are generally lean but could also be heavy or muscular. Aside from the dimly luminescent aura that outlines their form, they look like typical humans.

Life Span
The immortal magic of ‘The Blood’ provides for a natural lifespan over double that of a normal human. Tuatha De can live up to 200 years.

Tuatha De Names
Tuatha De are considered equal under their laws regardless of gender or social status. Like the Tuatha De of the Blood, they use simple names without a family name, but sometimes add the name of the city they are from or another identifier to avoid confusion. Example: Bres de Murias or Fionn the scribe, etc.
Male Names: Aengus, Bres, Caicher, Cermait, Coil, Creidhne, Dagda, Delbaed, Delbáeth, Dian, Elloth, Elier, Eochaid, Ethur, Fiacha, Fionn, Goibniu, Luchtaine, Lug, Lugh, Mac, Macan, Nechtan, Nuada, Oengus, Ogma,
Female Names: Aine, Banha, Brigit, Boann, Celdon, Ciam, Cine, Codne, Dadais, Dalinn, Danu, Eadon, Eithlionn, Ernmas, Ethlinn, Ethniu, Flidais, Fodla, Gibne, Legne, Liadon, Lugit, Morrigan, Nine, Ninlinn, Ogu, Oma 

Dvergr Dwarfs 

This short, stocky humanoid race of Dwarfs hail from the Undermountain Kingdom of Tirnan-Yog, on an island by the same name, far within the northern reaches of the Primal Sea. The Dvergr are among the most ancient peoples to inhabit Plithweh, younger by only a few centuries than the Sylvan and Tuatha-de Blood. They enjoy a rich and storied history that spans millennia from the early days of tribal existence to the wealth producing forges and famed Dvergr Steel that they are known for throughout the civilized world.

Forged of stone and fire
The Dvergr people are a joyfully aggressive, hardy folk who enjoy good ale and good song with a constitution to endure long bouts of both. Shorter and half again as wide as most humans, Dvergr men and women appear thick-limbed and rigid like the stone they love to work, are equally capable of growing glorious beards, and frequently display a temper that can flare white-hot quick and violent. Their purported grumpy nature is more often apparent to those outside the Dvergr community than within as they have little patience for the nonsense they regard as stereotypical of humans and halflings.
For most of their lives, Dvergr live within the hot subterranean corridors deep below an active volcano on their island home Tirnan-Yog. It is the long hours of exposure to the heat, magma and great forge that has thickened their skin and caused the ruddy complexion to appear touched by fire. Their eyes are usually brown or hazel. From time to time, a Dvergr is born with no pigmentation in their skin and with pink eyes. True or not, these albino Dvergr are traditionally thought to be ‘touched by the gods’.

Short on Patience
Social engagement with other races is not most Dvergrs strong suit – unless it involves copious amounts of ale, song and comradery after a hard day’s work.
They regard humans and halflings with the most suspicion, yet begrudgingly admire their efforts to keep up with the Dvergrs after-hours recreation. Still, humans and halflings are both enigmatic races of wildly varied personalities and loyalties that often change with the wind. Generally, they are viewed as untrustworthy as far as the Dvergr are concerned.
The Sylvan, in particular the elves, are looked upon as goodly and honest folk with a propensity to think far too much. The Dvergr figure the elves live so long that they are never in a hurry to do anything, and this is the primary source of irritation, if a small one. The centaur, another sub-race of Sylvan, are highly respected by the Dvergr for their culture of hard work and no-nonsense approach to daily life – unless ale is involved.
Most Dvergr have encountered an Atlantean at one time or another as they are frequent visitors to Tirnan-Yog. The Dvergr view them as an ordered, efficient, innovative people dedicated to peace and the advancement of world cultures. It is well known that Dvergr wizards often collaborate with their Atlantean counterparts on various arcane undertakings. While it is true that many Dvergr harbor concerns about where the Atlanteans really came from, their biggest complaint is that they don’t drink enough to lighten up and have a good time.
If there is one race the Dvergr fear more than any other, it’s the Tuatha-de. More specifically their nobles - the Tuatha-de Blood – powerful overlords who once ruled all of Plethwih. Perhaps its not the Blood themselves the Dvergr fear, there are barely a dozen alive, but the truth that they claim. Dvergr priests teach that Ymir, is the origin god from whose flesh the dwarfs believe they were first given life. However, there have been whispers through the ages that the origins of the Dvergr Dwarfs are far more humbling. The whispers claim the Dvergr as a creation of the Tuatha-de Blood to serve them as a slave race. No Dvergr accepts this as anything more than a vulgar rumor, but it is a source of shame that has certainly tainted their opinion of the Tuatha-de people as they are commonly viewed with trepidation verging on outright spite.

Fear of the Sea
Dvergr will go to nearly any length to avoid stepping foot on a boat of any size. They do not understand the chaotic nature of the sea and suffer from a primal fear of it that has been a bane to the Dvergr since their earliest ancestors began recording time. This is the basis of their relationship with the Vikja whom, to the bewilderment of the Dvergr Dwarfs, take to the seas like wild albatross. Of course, with enough convincing – and ale – Dvergr will reluctantly journey across the water for an important cause, but they will usually be cursing it every second until back on dry land.

Life Span
On average, Dvergr live around four-hundred years. They are considered mature when they can grow a beard - about the age of 20.

Dvergr Names
Dvergr Dwarfs identify by first name followed by a family name. Their first names are usually simple and easy to remember, but their family name is a true source of pride (and sometimes shame). The family name represents their ancestral linage back thousands of years when they survived as a tribal culture led by warlords whom they solemnly revere to this day.
Male Names: Alviss, Anarr, Bildr, Bomburr, Dori, Farli, Forvi, Grer, Har, Horr, Jari, Kili, Lofarr, Loni, Moinn, Munin, Nar, Nidi, Nori, Oinn, Ori, Patti, Rekkr, Siarr, Skirfir, Tigvi, Toki, Uni, Varr, Veggr, Vifir, Virwir, Yngvi
Female Names: Agda, Astrid, Berthe, Bodil, Brenn, Chara, Dagny, Ebbe, Frida, Gro, Estrid, Hedda, Gudrun, Gunhild, Helga, Idun, IIka, Liv, Moja, Neci, Oula, Revna, Signe, Sif, Tora, Tove, Thyra, Thurid, Yrsa, Ulfhild, Vinga
Family Names: Hornbrayer, Stonecrusher, Stonehill, Arrowbreaker, Stonefist, Strongforge, Ironcrag, Rockvale, Bowlder, Greyshale, Blackboulder, Wintervale, Hillgaard, Hammerbane, Axegrinder, Hammerthrower, Swordbreaker 

Kabouter (Earth Gnome)

The smallest of the demi-humans, Earth Gnomes are a reclusive race that live in deep, winding burrows that stretch for miles under forested hills and mountain ranges. Their reluctance to interact with ‘Tall People’ stems from the secluded communities where they live and the assumption by other races that their size equates to weakness that can easily be taken advantage of. Some say that Earth Gnomes are another ancient creation of the Tuatha De Blood, but like the Dvergr, the Gnomes vehemently deny any such possibility and consider anyone who propagates the suggestion an antagonist toward their people. Humans are the worst offenders, and because there is so little interaction, Earth Gnomes are often confused as Dvergr Dwarfs or even Goblins by those unfamiliar with the different races.
Almost all Earth Gnomes originate from underground towns and villages along the mountain ranges deep within The Wilds east of Ys or along the head waters of the Esmee River in the elevations north of Kingdom of Courth. They sometimes trade in furs, wool, and gems with both communities, but they are a rare sight that create excitement wherever they appear.
Earth Gnome society revolves around the clan. A typical village is dominated by a single clan whose leader pays homage to the GnomeKing in Kabouterhol. Although their allegiance is largely symbolic, since the clans are autonomous, they will come together for common defense of their homeland.

Exuberant Character
Despite their love of subterranean dwelling, Earth Gnomes are known for their nearly infallible sunny disposition and contrary, often ribald humor. Their wit extends to comedy of every sort as they love a good laugh, and they are notorious pranksters who find the punchline just as funny when the joke’s on them.
As they live in cold environs, Earth Gnomes generally dress in colorful wools trimmed with jewels, knit caps, heavy cloaks and insulated wooden shoes called clogs. A favorite jest among races familiar with Earth Gnome traditions points out how no one ever need worry about a gnome sneaking up on them wearing those clogs. Many humans even go as far as referring to Gnomes as ‘Clackers’ because of the sound their wooden shoes make when they walk.
Still, Earth Gnomes try to get along with all races. The respect the Atlanteans and Sylvan the most and eagerly welcome them into their warrens and burrows. The Dvergr are considered almost as kin, except that the cantankerous dwarfs rarely appreciate a good joke or an innocent prank. It’s the humans that the gnomes are most dubious about and are very careful in their dealings with them until they discover their true motives. Humans are said to have two faces – the face they show to distract from the face concealed that belies their intentions. Perhaps as a subtle joke, humans who visit the Earth Gnomes invariably leave with a pair of wooden clogs as a parting gift – one carved with the impression of a grinning gnome face and the other sad.
Male Earth Gnomes consider it a point of pride to grow long, lustrous beards. A well-kept beard is a mark of distinction and respect in their society, and, of course, female gnomes find them wildly attractive, if a little ridiculous. The state of one’s beard is often a reflection of the conduct of one’s character, discipline in their trade and overall success.
Earth Gnomes appear light-skinned with red, blonde, or light-brown hair and light eyes.

Subterranean Dwellers
Earth Gnomes are most at home within the safe embrace of mother earth, but do not suffer from sunlight sensitivity as many other subterranean creatures of The Wilds. They are natural burrowers and can see clearly in total darkness at extended distances. Their connection with mud, dirt, soil, and plants augments their proficiency with nature adding to their already considerable skills in mining precious gems, gem cutting, jewel smithing, farming, and gardening. Their craftmanship with gems and jewelry, in particular, is legendary among the aristocrats and nobility throughout the civilized world. Especially the arcane trinkets and magical gems the Earth Gnome magic-users enhance with enchantments.
Agriculture and shepherding are important and highly respected trades in Earth Gnome society. Farmers grow plots of mushrooms and fungi deep within the earth, and supplement food production above ground with small vegetable gardens, groves, and orchards. In much the same way, shepherds look after small flocks of sheep that graze above ground during the day and are herded underground at night for safety. Many farmers and shepherds have been lost to predators that stalk the world above, whether they walk on two legs or four. Earth Gnomes consider their sacrifice heroic.

Curious Travelers
It is a rare thing, but from time to time, Earth Gnome society will spin-off one who can’t deny the lure of exploring the world. These gnomes happily spend their lives traveling from place to place in search of adventure. Most follow their curiosity into the arcane arts, religion, entertainment, or the criminal underworld. They are known as ‘Travelers’ to those they leave behind and are often secretly admired for their courage as few ever find their way back home.

Life Span
On average, Earth Gnomes live around four-hundred years. They are considered mature when they can grow a beard - about the age of 25. 

Earth Gnome Names
Earth Gnomes identify by first name followed by the name of their clan. Their first names are usually related to nature, above ground or below, such as a type of soil or plant. The name of the clan represents their family name and usually the name of the cluster of burrows, dens, warrens and neighborhoods that form their subterranean village or town.
Male Names: Difalbeg, Gilmyn, Girwec, Goddwyt, Gokwess, Helemtop, Hurist, Jebarup, Knabebbnep, Liddweck, Lisiepnig, Nisser, Reppip, Ronkug, Roopnap, Slarwam, Smawadner, Tomte, Tonttu, Typreg,
Female Names: Amoret, Cloowarbe, Fidwesooll, Flyluddloll, Glenoblor, Glybly, Gnibblan, Iegnabit, Laipwiss, Lilwes, Lukwee, Nisse, Phiddaa, Povall, Telkeess, Thudda, Timbell, Woonbess, Ylmove
Clan Names: Adelfig, Jevryk, Kabouterhol, Prignof, Svellin, Tjorlaf, Umberkot, Wyrmgat

Hauflin (Halfling)

The Hauflin Race are halflings that reside primarily within the Western Kingdoms. Many Hauflin communities can be found throughout Lyonesse and Eriu along the banks of rivers and lakes or lush grass of rolling lowlands ripe with soil for farming. One of the largest Hauflin towns, Argyllshire, is located near the northern shore of Lough Greely, east of the Fin River. Argyllshire is a busy farming community with extensive tracts of cultivated land that provides a significant share of the agricultural products consumed by the Eriu port of DunDwai.
An affable folk of small stature, the Hauflin are well-regarded and welcomed throughout the Western Kingdoms and the Emerald Isle where they are well-known. To the folk of most other civilizations, they are viewed as curiosities. Hauflin get along particularly well with Earth Gnomes and Dvergr Dwarfs, whose short stature they share. A legend exists within Hauflin lore that claims the halflings are the result of dwarfs and elves producing children together in the early days of their civilizations. The Dvergr seem perplexed by this idea, but they rarely deny it, although there are no records in the histories of any other race regarding offspring between elf and dwarf.

Small and Practical
The diminutive halflings survive in a world full of larger creatures by avoiding notice or, barring that, avoiding offense. Standing 3 - 4 feet tall, they appear relatively harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries in the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars and political strife. They are inclined to be stout, weighing between 40 and 45 pounds.
Halflings’ skin ranges from tan to pale with a ruddy cast, and their hair is usually brown or sandy brown and wavy. They have brown or hazel eyes. Halfling men often sport long sideburns, but beards are rare among them and mustaches even more so. They like to wear simple, comfortable, and practical clothes, favoring bright colors.
Halfling practicality extends beyond their clothing. They’re concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures and have little use for ostentation. Even the wealthiest of halflings keep their treasures locked in a cellar rather than on display for all to see. They have a knack for finding the most straightforward solution to a problem, and have little patience for dithering.

Kind and Curious
Halflings are an affable and cheerful people. They cherish the bonds of family and friendship as well as the comforts of hearth and home, harboring few dreams of gold or glory. Even adventurers among them usually venture into the world for reasons of community, friendship, wanderlust, or curiosity. They love discovering new things, even simple things, such as an exotic food or an unfamiliar style of clothing.
Halflings are easily moved to pity and hate to see any living thing suffer. They are generous, happily sharing what they have even in lean times.

Blend into the Crowd
Halflings are adept at fitting into a community of humans, dwarves, or elves, making themselves valuable and welcome. The combination of their inherent stealth and their unassuming nature helps halflings to avoid unwanted attention.
Halflings work readily with others, and they are loyal to their friends, whether halfling or otherwise. They can display remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or communities are threatened.

Pastoral Pleasantries
Most halflings live in small, peaceful communities with large farms and well-kept groves. They rarely build kingdoms of their own or even hold much land beyond their quiet shires. They typically don’t recognize any sort of halfling nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to guide them. Families preserve their traditional ways despite the rise and fall of empires.
Many halflings live among other races, where the halflings’ hard work and loyal outlook offer them abundant rewards and creature comforts. Some halfling communities travel as a way of life, driving wagons or guiding boats from place to place and maintaining no permanent home.

Exploring Opportunities
Halflings usually set out on the adventurer’s path to defend their communities, support their friends, or explore a wide and wonder-filled world. For them, adventuring is less a career than an opportunity or sometimes a necessity.

Life Span
Hauflin live on average up to 150 years and mature when they reach the age of 25.

Hauflin Names
Male Names: Alton, Ander, Cade, Corrin, Eldon, Errich, Finnan, Garret, Lindal, Lyle, Merric, Milo, Osborn, Perrin, Reed, Roscoe, Wellby
Female Names: Andry, Bree, Callie, Cora, Euphemia, Jillian, Kithri, Lavinia, Lidda, Merla, Nedda, Paela, Portia, Seraphina, Shaena, Trym, Vani, Verna
Family Names: Brushgather, Goodbarrel, Greenbottle, High-hill, Hilltopple, Leagallow, Tealeaf, Thorngage, Tosscobble, Underbough 


Humans are the most populous of all races on Plethwih. They span the globe clustered within kingdoms large and small with a spectacular breadth of culture, religious beliefs, and politics.

A Broad Spectrum
With their penchant for migration and conquest, humans are more physically diverse than other common races. There is no typical human. An individual can stand from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly black to very pale, and hair colors from black to blond (curly, kinky, or straight); males might sport facial hair that is sparse or thick depending on where they hail from on Plethwih.

Variety in All Things
Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. They have widely varying tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands where they have settled. When they settle, though, they stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great kingdoms that can persist for long centuries. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to changing political and social dynamics.

Lasting Institutions
Where a single elf or dwarf might take on the responsibility of guarding a special location or a powerful secret, humans found sacred orders and institutions for such purposes. While dwarf clans and halfling elders pass on the ancient traditions to each new generation, human temples, governments, libraries, and codes of law fix their traditions in the bedrock of history. Humans dream of immortality, but (except for those few who seek undeath or divine ascension to escape death’s clutches) they achieve it by ensuring that they will be remembered when they are gone.
Although some humans can be xenophobic, in general their societies are inclusive. Human lands welcome large numbers of nonhumans compared to the proportion of humans who live in nonhuman lands.

Exemplars of Ambition
Humans who seek adventure are the most daring and ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race. They seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows by amassing power, wealth, and fame. More than other people, humans champion causes rather than territories or groups.

Life Span
Humans mature as early as 16 years old and live an average of 80 years.

Human Names and Ethnicities
Having so much more variety than other cultures, humans as a whole have names typical of the land or region where they are from.
The material culture and physical characteristics of humans can change wildly from region to region. In Plethwih, the clothing, architecture, cuisine, music, and literature are different in the northwestern lands of the Western Kingdoms than in distant Rasna or TaMehu to the east—and even more distinctive in far-off Kur-gal. Human physical characteristics, though, vary according to the ancient migrations of the earliest humans, so that the humans from the same regions have similar coloration and features. 


Half-Elves, as a race, are the offspring of an elf and human. In most cases the children are not planned or deliberate and almost always raised by the human parent. While Sylvan society does not openly reject half-elves, they are not accepted as equal to elves as they are considered a humiliation on the Sylvan family that bears them. Thus, few half-elves reside in the Sylvan Kingdom and prefer to live among humans.
While half-elves do not congregate in their own communities; however, they are well-represented among the Vikja peoples who honor them as ‘touched by the Gods’ due to their unnatural beauty and long lives. The Dvergr, Atlanteans, halflings, and gnomes are welcoming to half-elves as well and generally see them much the same as Sylvan Elves unless their ‘human side’ becomes disruptive.

Of Two Worlds
To humans, half-elves look like elves, and to elves, they look human. In height, they’re on par with both parents, though they’re neither as slender as elves nor as broad as humans. They range from under 5 feet to about 6 feet tall, and from 100 to 180 pounds, with men only slightly taller and heavier than women. Half-elf men do have facial hair, and sometimes grow beards to mask their elven ancestry. Half-elven coloration and features lie somewhere between their human and elf parents, and thus show a variety even more pronounced than that found among either race. They tend to have the eyes of their elven parents.

Diplomats or Wanderers
Half-elves have no lands of their own, though they are welcome in human cities and less welcome in elven forests. In large cities in regions where elves and humans interact often, half-elves are sometimes numerous enough to form small communities of their own. They enjoy the company of other half-elves, the only people who truly understand what it is to live between these two worlds.
In most parts of the world, though, half-elves are uncommon enough that one might live for years without meeting another. Some half-elves prefer to avoid company altogether, wandering the wilds as trappers, foresters, hunters, or adventurers and visiting civilization only rarely. Like elves, they are driven by the wanderlust that comes of their longevity. Others, in contrast, throw themselves into the thick of society, putting their charisma and social skills to great use in diplomatic roles or as swindlers.

Life Span
Half-Elves mature at the same rate humans do and reach adulthood around the age of 20. They live much longer than humans, however, often exceeding 180 years.

Half-Elf Names
Half-elves use either human or elven naming conventions. 

Sylvan Elf

The Sylvan race is a compendium of many sub-races that include elves, centaurs, dryads, nymphs, sprites, brownies, pixies and fairies. The elves are the most populous, residing within the safe embrace of the Sylvan Kingdom and the enchanted forest that blankets the northern half of the Emerald Isle. While all the sub-races can be found there in varied numbers, the bulk of the centaur call the Isles of Gades their home and a sprinkling of the remaining sub-races can be found beneath the boughs of vast forests across the globe. Yet, they all trace their roots back to their ancestral home - the Sylvan Forest - where they believe Niamh, Goddess of Nature, first gave them life.
Sylvan elves and centaurs are playable races.

Nature’s Protectors
There is no higher calling for a Sylvan than as a protector of nature – no matter the profession or path in life they choose. That is because they see little distinction between themselves, the forest, the animals that live there, the rivers, springs, glades and meadows that all fall under the watchful eye of their Goddess, Niamh, and the lesser deities and spirits that serve her. Any Sylvan that chooses to reject nature and the holy tenets of Niamh, becomes an outcasts, or worse, should Niamh visit a corruption upon them. Still, there are Sylvan elves and centaur who are curious about the world outside the Sylvan Kingdom and ‘wander’ for a while until they ultimately satisfy this need and return home.

Fickle Friends
The majority of Sylvan are reluctant to socialize among outsiders unless decorum, duty, or necessity compels them to do so. In fact, most races, especially humans, are not allowed to enter the Sylvan Kingdom with special permission or Sylvan escort.
Of course, there are exceptions. Atlanteans, Gadesians, halflings, and druids of any race are welcome and trusted among the Sylvan and their realm. The Dvergr, while tolerated for their vulgar ways, are respected for their ancient lineage, and considered as friends. The Sylvan often collaborates with these races on great projects, exploration, and arcane research.
Others, such as the Tuatha De, humans, halflings, and gnomes are viewed with suspicion and can only earn trust on an individual basis. Half-elves are considered peculiar and unnatural to the elves who generally look down upon them. However, the centaur and other Sylvan races more readily accept half-elves and allow them to live within their communities.

Exotic Features
Sylvan elves are slender and strong, with pale or tanned skin, eyes the color of green, blue, lavender or violet, severe brows over a sharp nose and pointed ears. Their hair ranges from black, brown and blond to silver, copper or most rare – golden.

Life Span
Sylvan elves have the longest life span of all the races on Plithwih, perhaps with the exception of the Tuatha de Blood. Elves mature around the age of one-hundred and can live as long as 800 years. This extraordinary longevity gives them a different perspective on life than other races. They are very protective of their own lives and that of their family and people, tend to accept change slowly and with long deliberation, prone to disappear for decades as they pursue their own interests, and rarely motivated to be in a hurry unless the situation is urgent.

Sylvan Elf Names
All Sylvan elves, no matter their gender or social status are considered equal under the law. They go by a very long singular name that combines their first and family name. This can be very confusing to non-Sylvan, and like the Atlanteans, often truncate their name for outsiders. Elven family names refer to their ancestry more so than social rank as fortunes can easily change from one generation to the next considering their extraordinary long lives.
Male Names: AilmonDaeren, AlthidonShakrana, AyduinZinbella, ElmarLiahana, EvindalWysamoira, FaeranduilGlynhorn, FalaelTrisroris, FilvendorAdxidor, FolwinEilphine, GorduinMiaberos, HalafarinUririe, KharisOloris, KuskynGredithas, KhyrminRavakas, LaiexLeomys, MaradeimYelrel, MiirphysLeomaer, , NasirHeleralei, , NylianYincaryn, SontarMiahorn
Female Names: AxilyaVirqirelle, ChamyllaDanorin, DeularaUlakrana, EloimayaZyldan, KenaYllaxina, LiluthPetthyra, LusserinaBaltris, MylaerlaYinsys, NabeoraWysaleth, NambraUlinorin, OsoniaSarnorin, RathaAdwarin, , SalendaYeshana, SoleriaVirric, SsharaInacyne, TerianiUmeteiros, TinesiOlothyra, ValindraWranyarus, ZaleriaPhitoris 

Sylvan Centaur

The Sylvan race is a compendium of many sub-races that include elves, centaurs, dryads, nymphs, sprites, brownies, pixies and fairies. The elves are the most populous, residing within the safe embrace of the Sylvan Kingdom and the enchanted forest that blankets the northern half of the Emerald Isle. While all the sub-races can be found there in varied numbers, the bulk of the centaur call the Isles of Gades their home and a sprinkling of the remaining sub-races can be found beneath the boughs of vast forests across the globe. Yet, they all trace their roots back to their ancestral home - the Sylvan Forest - where they believe Niamh, Goddess of Nature, first gave them life.
Sylvan elves and centaurs are playable races.

Nature’s Protectors
There is no higher calling for a Sylvan than as a protector of nature – no matter the profession or path in life they choose. That is because they see little distinction between themselves, the forest, the animals that live there, the rivers, springs, glades and meadows that all fall under the watchful eye of their Goddess, Niamh, and the lesser deities and spirits that serve her. Any Sylvan that chooses to reject nature and the holy tenets of Niamh, becomes an outcasts, or worse, should Niamh visit a corruption upon them. Still, there are Sylvan elves and centaur who are curious about the world outside the Sylvan Kingdom and ‘wander’ for a while until they ultimately satisfy this need and return home.

Fickle Friends
The majority of Sylvan are reluctant to socialize among outsiders unless decorum, duty, or necessity compels them to do so. In fact, most races, especially humans, are not allowed to enter the Sylvan Kingdom with special permission or Sylvan escort.
Of course, there are exceptions. Atlanteans, Gadesians, halflings, and druids of any race are welcome and trusted among the Sylvan and their realm. The Dvergr, while tolerated for their vulgar ways, are respected for their ancient lineage, and considered as friends. The Sylvan often collaborates with these races on great projects, exploration, and arcane research.
Others, such as the Tuatha De, humans, halflings, and gnomes are viewed with suspicion and can only earn trust on an individual basis. Half-elves are considered peculiar and unnatural to the elves who generally look down upon them. However, the centaur and other Sylvan races more readily accept half-elves and allow them to live within their communities.

Exotic Features
The centaurs have facial features similar to humans and they develop a muscular frame above the waist that balances the powerful build of the horse half below. Their hide is generally bay, black, chestnut, dun, gray or any combination of these and their skin tone is a mid-tone to darkly tanned. Hair color tends toward black or brown, sometimes red or even blond and their eyes are almost always brown, yellow, white or hazel with rare occurrences of blues and greens.

Niamh (pronounced Neeve) the Golden Hair, is the Sylvan Goddess of Nature and Mystery. She appears as a beautiful Sylvan Elf with hair the color of liquid gold, wearing a green gown of leaves, ivy and branches. Her form is always surrounded by a luminous aura of divine radiance. Sometimes Niamh is depicted riding a magical ethereal-pale horse, whose silver hooves never touch the ground, she calls Embarr.
Temples of Niamh can be found deep within the Sylvan Forest on the Emerald Isle and arboreal Isles of Gades. Her druids hold regular ceremonies and rituals within megalithic stone circles observing the solstices throughout the year – the Summer Solstice is Niamh’s holiest day. The stone circles also serve as a lunar calendar predicting cycles of the moon and stars.
Niamh’s Holy Symbol: Late-blooming Flowers.

Life Span
Centaurs have about the same life span as humans. They mature around the age of eighteen and generally live about one-hundred years.

Centaur Names
Centaurs live in small clans or tribes that roam vast territories. They follow a very simple hunter/gatherer social structure that is communal, and the genders considered as equals. Thus, centaur use a very simple first name and the name of their clan/tribe as their family name.
Male Names: Abo, Areos, Bienor, Bromi, Chiron, Cyllar, Dictys, Doupon, Elymus, Eurytion, Helops, Hyles, Lycabas, Medon, Mimas, Nethu, Orius, Phrixus, Pylenor, Thaums
Female Names: Akia, Albi, Belema, Citri, Daphyin, Eucia, Fertima, Gemi, Hylonome, Ikome, Lasti, Murdi, Nephel, Ovia, Petome, Seta, Thala, Timi, Ova
Clan/tribe Names: Benttree, Bigsky, Blacktail, Brokentimber, Evercrest, Greattree, Runningbrook, Thunderhoof, Wetwood, Windrunner 

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